What are my Data Protection Rights?
Headway East London takes our responsibilities about the security of personal information seriously and is open and truthful about how we manage data.
You have the right to be told all about you’re the information we have on you, what we do with it, to see it, to ask that its corrected if it is wrong, to ask that it is deleted, to ask that we don’t collect or store certain information, to have it given to you easily and to object about what we are doing with it.
What personal data does Headway East London collect on me?
Depending on what service, project or information you receive, will decide what personal data is collected. This may be different for a funded service and a non-funded service.
The Headway East London referral form covers headings of data collected.
What do we use your personal data for?
Depending on what service, project or information you receive from Headway East London, this will determine what we use your personal data for and why and for how long.
It may also be used for different reasons throughout your relationship with Headway East London. This may be to be sure you are in our catchment, you have a brain injury, to assess risk to self & others and having information about support needs etc.
What Lawful Basis does Headway East London use to process my data?
Headway East London mostly uses Consent, Contract and Legitimate Interests to process personal data.
By signing our referral or consent form and/or requesting support from Headway East London, you positively “opt-in” for us to process the relevant personal information required to provide support or a service.
- The personal data collected relating to Casework and Family Support is based on the lawful basis of Legitimate Interests and/or Consent.
- The personal data collected relating to Day & Evening Services, Community Support Work and Therapies is based on the lawful basis of Contract.
As our work involves medically related conditions, Headway East London processes special category data (health) and satisfies conditions under GDPR for this.
Where is my data stored and who has access?
Headway East London uses strong technical and organisational measures including secure paper filing systems, security levels software, and cloud-based Management systems to store personal data.
Data is stored on securely strong databases including Charitylog and SharePoint. These databases have different levels of security and only staff with relevant security permission will be able to access details on these databases.
Is my data being shared with others? (i.e. outside of Headway East London)
There may be times when we need to share personal information with others. This may be to allow us to support you, and/or to get other organisations to support you.
If you have given written consent and relevant support is needed, data may be sent to, and received from, other organisations already involved, or needing to be involved with supporting you.
How long do we keep your personal data? Do we delete it?
Information is kept if a service contract is in place and/or ongoing support is happening.
If there has been no action with someone for 6 years their information with be archived and/or deleted to keep only non-identifiable information and keep information for statistics.
How can I find out more? I want to access my information.
For full details of all the information collected by Headway East London, and why it is collected, please see the HEL Data Mapping Excel Sheet which can be found on the link below.
If you want to see your information (Subject Access Request) or want more information on our data processes, or help with making a choice about “opting-in”, please request this from the HEL Data Protection Officer through a member of staff, by calling 020 7749 7790 or emailing info@headwayeastlondon.org