Lots of us are missing our normal routine during the Coronavirus lockdown. A routine is a balanced mix of activities. For most people this means things like housework, hobbies, exercise, volunteering, studying, working or social activities. For members, coming to Headway can include so many of those activities! When structure or routine vanishes suddenly because of something outside our control, it can feel really unsettling. In our first email, we looked at ways to set up a good routine for your days (including using a handy planner).
With gratitude, we acknowledge the goodness in our lives. In the process, we usually recognise that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside ourselves. As a result, gratitude also helps us connect to something larger than ourselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power. In our second mailer, we looked at why gratitude is so useful right now, and the different ways we can cultivate it.

Keeping your mind stimulated has never been as important as it is right now. It’s often tempting to do as little as possible. However, keeping your brain and body active (and your spirits high) is vital. The changes in our lifestyle during this time may require us to take more deliberate actions to exercise our thinking skills. In this mailer we looked at some of the more practical ways to exercise our minds: including through card games, online brain training exercises, and crucially, letting the light in!