Welcoming our new Chief Executive Anna

By admin
Posted: 13/01/2021

In some much-needed good news for 2021, we are delighted to welcome Anna McEwen as Headway East London’s new Chief Executive this Spring!

Anna will be joining us from Shared Lives Plus, the UK network for shared living, and will be leading our strategy over the coming years.

Please join us in giving her a big Headway Hello from us all

Anna brings extensive leadership experience to the role, having worked in the social care field for over 20 years across both the voluntary and statutory sectors. She has previously managed services for people in the community, and worked as a commissioner in adult social care. Anna also has direct experience of working with Headway East London’s client group, having started her career as a personal assistant to a man with an acquired brain injury. Of the appointment, Anna says:

“I’m delighted to be joining Headway East London, an organisation that already shares my values about working together with people as the experts in their lives and what they need. I’m looking forward to leading the charity into a post-Covid world, and together looking at opportunities to develop our support in new and innovative ways whilst providing top quality care and support. My vision is a world where everyone has the opportunity to live a good life in a way that works for them.

We’re incredibly excited to start working with Anna; building on the recent gains made at Headway East London despite incredibly difficult circumstances. Our Chair of the Board, Glen Hodgson, adds:

“I am thrilled and excited to welcome Anna as our new Chief Executive. She brings a wealth of skills, previous success and experiences that will help us all work collectively to provide even better services to our members. A proven leader with a strong external network Anna is the right person to lead Headway East London towards even greater success.

Anna takes over from departing Chief Executive Tony Bonfil, who stepped down from his role after 19 years at the charity at the end of last year. She is expected to join the team in March, when interim Chief Executive Jane Earl will depart.


Anna answers our “Headway Headscratchers”….

As a little ice-breaker to help us get to know Anna before she officially arrives, we asked her a few of the most keenly debated questions by our Headway day centre members:

Tea or coffee? ☕☕ Neither…. I’m partial to a prosecco at the weekend though!

Pool or dominoes? Would have to be dominoes.

Meat or veggie? Veggie, actually mostly vegan. A family favourite is a Mexican – nachos and fajitas. It’s tasty and always a competition to see who makes the least mess.

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