Community Day

By Elisa
Posted: 27/08/2024

On Saturday 3 August our members, volunteers and their loved ones joined us for our annual Community Day. It’s a chance for us all to gather and celebrate together, and below Sarah shares her reflections on this wonderful day:

A few Saturdays back we invited the extended Headway family into the centre for a day to celebrate  our community. So many members benefit from the support of Headway through all our services, and being able to share that with their friends and family is a wonderful thing.

We enjoyed the best of Headway – from delicious food to great music, chatting, games, art and bubbles, with a special Ethiopian coffee experience to top it off! A huge thank you to Yoki and Makda for that. 

The day was coproduced with members, staff and volunteers, and shared the sense of the enjoyment and belonging that our members have when they walk through the doors.

My daughter Cleo came along, and much like most 3-year-olds, clung to me for 45 minutes saying “mummy” – until the bubbles came out and she went off and took over! It was great to have her here with me to meet the members who ask about her so often, and to see her playing with other children from our extended families. She loved it and insists that she is the boss (she is!)

The Casework Team deserves a massive thank you for working with volunteers and members to put on such a magnificent event! 

See you again next year! 

Sarah – Chief Executive

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Posted: 28/08/2024

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