Celebrating Action for Brain Injury Week 2020

By admin
Posted: 28/09/2020

During this week we’re launching our own member-led campaign, whilst highlighting the intricacies of memory problems after brain injury.

“I don’t remember anything from that first week in hospital and vaguely remember the next five weeks. But I came out of hospital a different person” – Dave

We’re excited to mark Action for Brain Injury Week (28th Sept – 4th Oct) with a new awareness raising campaign from Headway East London called “Welcome to My World”.

Each day we’ll be introducing a new person’s story; giving an insight into their world and experience of brain injury.

The name of the campaign comes direct from our community: many were reflecting on this extended period of lockdown and shielding and remarked that whilst it had been difficult, it also possibly gave people an insight into how brain injury survivors life normally; with increased isolation and restrictions. The name also acts as an invite for the public; to try to learn more about the complexities of brain injury and what that means for survivors and families.

We’re kicking off with Dave’s story – check back on our blog for a new example every day!


Physically, I’m pretty much okay, other than the things a 54-year-old should have. There is a sense of loss, everybody wants to try and get back to the same person that they were and do the same things they used to. But, personally, I have embraced the new me. It’s taken me on a little journey and I’m still thoroughly enjoying learning.

I understand my limits and my limitations and when I do things that are outside of those limitations, I understand that you know that’s a big deal for me. Going shopping and coming home with the bag, the receipts and the change, that’s quite a big deal! It’s the little things that I find rewarding these days.”

This work will also tie in with and support the wider Headway UK campaign on #MemoryLoss. A recent study by the national charity found that 72% of brain injury survivors feel that the people in their life don’t understand their memory problems, with 81% reporting that their life would be improved if people had a better understanding of this complex condition.

Memory problems after a brain injury can be life changing and are very different from the usual, everyday memory frustrations many of us experience. They can make a survivor feel alone, angry and confused and can impact every aspect of their life.


To mark the week, and delve further into the topic, Headway volunteer and brain injury survivor Barrie spoke with Royds Withy King on a podcast about memory loss:

Barrie first told his story on our “Who Are You Now?” project (read here). In total, 17 brain injury survivors shared their experiences over the course of three years; and many had experienced memory problems in the aftermath of their injury. Over the course of the week we’re re-introducing readers to Alpha, Nifty, Lina and Stuart.

Checkout other blog posts!

Posted: 28/08/2024
Posted: 27/08/2024

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