2020 – What I Miss, Don’t Miss, Won’t Miss and Won’t Forget (Part 2)

By admin
Posted: 16/12/2020

As we approach the end of a turbulent year, we’ve asked our members, staff and volunteers to reflect on all the changes that have come with 2020 and living through a pandemic. Asking them to write down what they Miss, Don’t Miss, Won’t Miss, and Won’t Forget…

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Dundalk play Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium


What I miss…My family, festivals, concerts, frequent travel…and the pool table and craic around it.

What I don’t miss…Unbridled generosity with coughing and germs

What I won’t miss…Being packed like sardines on public transport

What I won’t forget…Dundalk playing Arsenal !!! The hard times, the good times, the connections made and the lessons learnt along the way…and Sam winning green for Ireland.


What I miss…The energy of people together

What I don’t miss…Rush hour sardines on the tube

What I won’t miss…The word ‘unprecedented’

What I won’t forget…Trying to hunt down loo roll when people stocked piled it. Always have reserves!

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Firoza walking in her local park


What I miss…The freedom to walk around streets/a building/an indoor space/be on a train or a bus without the constant worry of keeping your distance from people to stay safe (although it’s also not a bad thing). Hugs with friends and social gatherings. Seeing everyone at Headway without being in a bubble. Regular face to face support work sessions. Theatre and music venues, festivals.

What I don’t miss…Overcrowding of buses and trains, and aggressive people on there too.

What I won’t miss…Too much computer time, that drains me. Hectic life style without routine, feeling busier than ever. Wearing a mask in the summer (in winter, it’s something extra to stave off the cold – not a bad thing ) Constant washing of hands and using hand sanitiser.

What I won’t forget…Cities without traffic, places local to me you’d never imagined to become ghost towns. Busy places with clean air and less pollution. Nature having a break from people. How important it is to be among nature, be it in a park or in your garden on a regular basis for a healthy mind. Discovering more about myself and what my needs are, that’s really stood out for me. Singing with volunteer Cici on Zoom. The support Headway have given us in this crazy period to stay connected and less alone has been incredible!


What I miss…Chatting with everyone at Headway, playing bar football and pool with Joseph and Sayed and having the great lunches at Headway

What I don’t miss…Travelling in a packed train and bus with passengers without manners (I always thank the driver as I board and get off the bus)

What I won’t miss…Getting home at just gone 4pm and it being pitch black!

What I won’t forget…The wonderful friendships I have at Headway East London

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