A Farewell to Anna

By Elisa
Posted: 16/04/2024

A farewell to our CEO Anna McEwen, who is stepping down as CEO of Headway East London at the end of April.

Our CEO Anna McEwen is stepping down from her role at Headway East London at the end of April. 

I’ve loved working at Headway East London and the incredible community that exists amongst members, staff and volunteers, it’s a really special place.” 

Since she joined us in 2021, she has helped guide us through the rollercoaster of the pandemic, towards a more sustainable and hopeful place to build our future as a charity. 

Over the last three years we’ve come through some challenging times coming out of Covid and rebuilding together so that the organisation is in a stronger place for the future.” 

Some highlights of her time here include developing a co-produced strategy with members, volunteers and staff; improving staff benefits; and improving how we work behind the scenes to better support our front line services. 

Some of Anna’s favourite memories are presenting at the Department for Health & Social Care away day for the ABI Strategy with Natalie and Dean; our incredible exhibitions at Rich Mix, Barbican and Burgh House; and spending time with our members at our day centre, support groups and out in the community. 

I will be sad to leave Headway East London and take many happy memories with me, in particular those conversations with members who always inspire me and have taught me so much.” 

Anna has been our CEO during our 25th anniversary, which was the year of our groundbreaking exhibition differently various, our first ever brain injury conference, a gala dinner and a 25th Birthday party for our community. All of these events showcased and were co-produced with our members. 

It’s not just about access to personalised care or support with benefits – at the heart of everything we are as people is connection with others.” 

We will be launching recruitment for a new CEO soon, and we are looking for someone exceptional to lead our unique organisation. Keep an eye on our vacancy page for more information.

Until a new CEO takes up the post, our current Senior Management Team – Sarah, Natalie and Willa – will work collaboratively together during the interim period to lead the organisation. 

We wish Anna all the best for her future role as CEO for Bromley Mencap, an independent charity providing a wide range of services to disabled people of all ages, carers and families.

Good luck and thank you for everything! 

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