Yoki, Friday member
I learnt is to always stand up for what I believe in.
I loved about myself was courage.
I loathed waiting for the support I needed.
I look forward to passing my exams and starting a new chapter in my book.

Michael, Thursday volunteer
I learnt is that a drink is an ice breaker for conversation.
I loved building relationships with members.
I loathed only having two sinks (in the Headway kitchen) – more please!
I look forward to seeing everybody again after Christmas.
Bella, Monday volunteer
I learnt to not take seeing friends and family for granted, even if that means sitting outside on a freezing December day!
I loved coming to Headway on a Monday, which genuinely has become my favourite day of the week.
I loathed online university… I never want to do another Zoom lecture!
I look forward to hopefully getting to see my grandma this Christmas and give her her present in person.
Daphne, Day Service Co-ordinator
I learnt that taking risks is not always a bad thing. I did so this year with my career and left a much-loved job to look after my father who was struggling with long Covid. Then when his health improved considerably, I was left with not much else to do except perhaps to take early retirement. I then stumbled on a job advert at Headway East London a couple of days before the deadline and took the chance of applying for it. I have now worked for HEL for the past six months and can honestly say the risks were well worth taking. I think it is a delightful place to work and more so, a wonderful place for people with acquired brain injuries to come to and simply be.

I loved taking every opportunity to spend time with my family. I have appreciated their value in my life so much more during this past year.
I loathed wearing face masks. While I always wear one and respect the idea it protects myself and others from the virus. I tend to mouth breath when wearing them and they cause me to have eczema behind my ears.
I look forward to travelling the world again and discovering new places, people, and cultures
Ziggy, Community Support Worker
I learnt is more about my members and their needs.
I loved when we were able to return to Headway and see members not seen for a while, felt like some form of normality.
I loathed the lockdown and how it must have felt for some of the members and how lonely some must have felt.
I look forward to new beginnings, new ideas and freedom if possible.

Pardeep, Trustee
I learnt is that anything is possible with the right mindset and resilience, even during difficult times. I became a trustee and a company director in the space of six months!
I loved spending so much more time with the family and appreciating the real value of a strong support system. Mindful meditation and self reflection allowed me to realise what is truly important.
I loathed the never ending uncertainty due to the continuing and ever changing impacts of the pandemic. Very difficult to plan things and have things to look forward to.
I look forward to hopefully returning to some kind of normality and a big summer holiday before my children start university and secondary school in September.