What I miss…Headway lunch & supper clubs; live music in sticky-floored music venues; also how quiet London was at the beginning of lockdown – for cycling around, it was a dream!
What I don’t miss…Lots of planes in the sky.
What I won’t miss…Socialising in groups of 6 or less/not being able to invite all my friends to things; even more time spent on screens.
What I won’t forget…Getting out of the house at least once a day makes me happier.
What I miss…Holidays abroad and carefree travel. Errol, Cecil, Sam, Margi. Football fans. Restaurants.
What I don’t miss…Flight delays, overcrowded buses. Crowds generally.
What I won’t miss…Political blundering? Face coverings. Rudeness, disrespect for others.
What I won’t forget…My PIN. My wife’s birthday.

What I miss…Having a choice of things to do and places to go. Several of my clients pointed out that living during lockdown has been the most effective disability awareness training. Now I have felt partly what their lives must be like.
What I don’t miss…The feeling of having to keep running to keep up with everything.
What I won’t miss…Masks and not being able to see people’s faces. Especially now it is winter and people are wearing hats, I don’t see much of their faces at all.
What I won’t forget…That beautiful spring and sitting out on my balcony in the morning listening to birdsong with no traffic noise to spoil it. I won’t forget that I got to know my neighbours so much better.
What I miss…Popping to the pub, seeing friends and hugging them to say hello. The random conversations with strangers in the pub bathroom. I miss being able to see people’s faces.
What I don’t miss…Hangovers and the rush of life. It has been very nice to learn to slow down, take the time to do things, take the time to do things alone, reflect on what happened and what is happening. I feel stronger in some ways.
What I won’t miss…The government changing the rules every two weeks.
What I won’t forget…The BLM protest in June, the masks, the uselessness of governments and that systemic racism, capitalism and patriarchy need to be dismantled.